Monitoring of pregnancy

Fetal monitoring

The fetal monitoring or fetal monitoring by cardiotocograph enables a recording of the fetal heart rate (FHR) using a device called "cardiotocograph". It allows both a recording of fetal heart rate and uterine contraction recording. This monitoring is used to decrease the advent of problems related to childbirth.

This monitoring is systematic and has been implemented with a view to reduce perinatal mortality (before, during and after childbirth), and to avoid possible neurological damage to the fetus, due to acute fetal distress (lack of oxygen in the blood of the fetus).

It is also used during pregnancy in the presence of term-related risk factors of pregnancy or in cases of associated pathologies.

  • Uterine contractions :

Analysis of the frequency of contractions can anticipate the risk of a premature birth during the pregnancy care, or to estimate the effectiveness of contractions for childbirth.

This analysis is based on that of the base uterine tone (that is to say, the pressure in the uterus between contractions) and the study of the intensity, frequency and duration thereof .

These anomalies have consequences for both mother and fetus. They must be detected for that childbirth does not have dramatic consequences for the mother or child.

  • Fetal Heart Rate :

The analysis of the fetal heart rate is necessary to detect any abnormalities that may occur during childbirth (diseases, maternal anemia ...), abnormalities during labor being their only clinical sign.

The study of the fetal heart rate is based on four criteria : the basic rhythm (which should be between 120 and 160 heart beats per minute), its variability, its acceleration, and the presence of any slowdown.

The detected anomalies can be of different types. They may concern the heartbeat, its oscillations or impairment of its periodicity.


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